
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Here's our extended conversation with Kim Stanley Robinson on science fiction and imagining the future.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Professional bladesmith Richard Furrer tells Jim Fleming about “Dragonslayer,” a blade forged from ultra-strong steel created with the help of a Northwestern University computer model.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Matthew Klam talks about his experience with Ecstasy and reflects on the pharmaceutical industry’s influence on the cultural perception of drug use.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jim Fleming talks with Justin Taylor, editor of "The Apocalypse Reader," a collection of 34 short stories about the end of the world.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Breaking the law by singing "Happy Birthday"? That's absurd.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Michael Gershon talks about the science behind “gut instinct” and says most of the body’s serotonin is in the gut, not the brain.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Novelist Philip Roth talks with Steve Paulson about his work and says Nathan Zukerman had made his final appearance in Roth's new novel, "Exit Ghost."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

TTBOOK host Jim Fleming reflects on The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock


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