
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What happens when you discover racial fear in yourself? Rachel Shadoan recently reached an uncomfortable conclusion: she was afraid of black men. Rachel was appalled and decided to do something about it. She tells her story in an article titled, "I am racist and so are you."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mark Frauenfelder is co-creator of the weblog and the author of "Made by Hand: Searching for Meaning in a Throwaway World."

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As Planned Parenthood looks ahead to its centennial in October 2016, Ellen Feldman's "Terrible Virtue" gives us a captivating portrait of the organization's resolute founder, Margaret Sanger. 

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A ghost story from listener Eric Van Vleet.

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Can you actually see creativity in the brain? It turns out you can if you put a living, breathing human being inside a brain scan. IN this EXTENDED interview, neuroscientist Rex Jung describes his innovative research on the science of creativity.

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Charles Monroe-Kane prepared a profile of singer/songwriter Neko Case, a country singer who's haunted by the American Dream.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Charles Yu on quantum parenting, time travel and other science fictional paradoxes. Yu is the author of the acclaimed novel "How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe."

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In Laura Poitras's film "My Country, My Country" she shoots in cinema verite style and based her film on the actions of an Iranian physician and his family around the recent Iranian election.


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