Fady Joudah is a Palestinian-American poet and physician. In his new poem, “Brush With Cymbals,” he explores questions about exile, suffering and the language of nation states. In an accompanying interview, he expands on the theme of the poem, as well as telling us about his experience in Doctors Without Borders.
Brush with Cymbals
America, I’m downloading your heart,
your giga, and my CPU
is slow…I will have your corazòn
when I’m in the dirt—if citizen is gold
and revolution silicon
will you take off your clothes
and Facetime me? We’re not supposed to
suppose we are to end here, we do
and every we is schizo, and I
for every poem a length
and for each span a loyalty oath—America
my motherboard
has been acting up since spanking new
my mothership all roots and we’re one
boot after reboot,
your windows are apples from a tree—
Did I take out the trash, do I
have a curb where I live, a recycling bin,
my Monday morning
coffee in a black hole, my cigarettes
for the homeless on red lights
my lighter handy, their illness
my transplant? America, if I’m a cloud
let’s back up and drive
the country to the registry
the libraries river and sea
to which whale will I lose
my files—the gray the blue
extinction a synecdoche?
America, you’re smaller than English
greater than predestination and I
in wanting wisdom looked ahead
at looking back…at Eurydice
Won’t you use
apoptosis in a poem
I praise thee
Reprinted with permission from Asphodel.info.