
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mark Rectanus tells Steve Paulson that corporate sponsorship can create conflicts of interest for museum curators and can turn art exhibits into “tarted-up trade shows.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

John Freyer decided to sell everything in his apartment on E-Bay. He tells the story in a book called “All My Life for Sale.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Joseph Lekuton was born in Kenya to a tribe of Maasai nomads. Later, he came to America and eventually got a master’s in educational policy from Harvard.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge


Can science finally answer the age-old mystery, how something can come out of nothing?  Physicist Lawrence Krauss says yes, and in the process he’s set off an intellectual brawl with theologians and philosophers.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Poet Patiann Rogers tells Jim Fleming why she finds the language of science inspiring, and says naming things is the way to notice and appreciate them.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Near-death researcher Dr. Raymond Moody looks back on his career investigating near-death experiences.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Matthijs van Boxsel is the author of “The Encyclopedia of Stupidity.”  He tells Steve Paulson it started with shame at his own stupidity, but he’s come finally to praise it.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Psychologist Carl Jung and physicist Wolfgang Pauli had an extraordinary friendship, feeding off each other's interests in the occult and quantum physics. Arthur Miller has the story.


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