
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Redmond O’Hanlon is travel writer who’s braved the Congo, Borneo and the Amazon. This time around, he tries his luck on a trawler in the icy Atlantic in dangerous waters.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Robert Fischell developed several implantable medical devices credited with saving tens of thousands of lives on Earth.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Journalist Ken Wiwa tells Steve Paulson about his father's protest against the influence of oil money in Nigeria, and what it was like to grow up in his dominating presence.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What would make Christianity more vital in the 21st century?  Theologian Hal Taussig says one answer is "A New New Testament," which combines Gnostic gospels with the traditional New Testament scriptures - all within the same book.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jane Franklin was Ben Franklin’s favorite sibling. While he became an inventor, statesman and one of the 18th century’s most famous men, she became a wife and mother who could barely write and struggled to make ends meet – and until now, was forgotten by history. In this UNCUT interview, Jill Lepore tells the story of this remarkable century woman, and talks about the parallels between writing history and journalism.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Imagine living an entire year without money.  And I mean no money. No cash. No credit cards. Nothing. Where do you live? What do you eat? How do you wash? What do you do?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

We made some particular choices about the music in hour four. Here's a note from Charles about the thinking that went into the score, and a Spotify playlist to explore.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Former casting director Joanna Merlin talks with Jim Fleming about the auditioning process.  Her book is “Auditioning: An Actor-Friendly Guide.”


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