
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What would a world without national borders look like? There's a good chance it'd look very similar to the one we have today. Parag Khanna is a global strategist who believes borders are becoming irrelevant in an increasingly connected world. More than national boundaries, he believes what matters are the connections between cities.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

There's a short story about a guy who's so afraid of other people reading his mind that he wears a tin foil hat to protect his thoughts. The tin foil part is crazy, but protecting your mind is maybe not such a bad idea. Academic psychologist Rob Brotherton says there are certain psychological traits that predispose people to believe in conspiracy theories. For example, there's an experiment done by a group of psychologists in Amsterdam. It involves a group of subjects and a messy desk.


To The Best Of Our Knowledge

One place that new music’s finding audiences is in galleries and museum. One piece in particular has won the hearts of people across the world. It’s called Forty Part Motet.  Sound artist Janet Cardiff uses 40 speakers to play "Spem in Allium," a 40-part Renaissance motet written by Thomas Tallis.   Think of it as Renaissance surround-sound.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Samuel Clemens was an energetic and passionate man who traveled the world and created a new American idiom.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Restaurants serve food and feelings in this story by Nathan Witkin.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Tom Bollestorff is an anthropologist at UC Irvine and author of "Coming of Age in Second Life."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Michael sorts through another batch of Memos!

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

From The Sopranos and Friday Night Lights to The Wire and Breaking Bad, we're living through a TV revolution.  TV critic Alan Sepinwall gives the backstory of this explosion of great shows.

To read Alan Sepinwall's blog, click here.


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