
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Award-winning novelist Jane Hamilton's new novel has a setting that's close to home.  "The Excellent Lombards" is a story of generational tension set on a family apple farm.  Steve Paulson talks about writing, farming and apples with Jane while walking through her own family orchard.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Russell Shorto is the author of "Descartes' Bones: A Skeletal History of the Conflict Between Faith and Reason."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Music historian Will Friedwald talks with Steve Paulson about “As Time Goes By” and why we love it. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Shane White and Graham White are the co-authors of “The Sounds of Slavery: Discovering African American History Through Songs, Sermons and Speech.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Memory is a hot topic in neuroscience, and it turns out the context of our memories is as important as the event itself. Dartmouth neuroscientist Jeremy Manning has found that people can intentionally forget past experiences by changing how they think about the context of their memories.

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All eyes have been on the Middle East for some months now. But al Qaeda has been conspicuous for its absence...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Tom Reynolds risked his mental health to compile "I Hate Myself and Want to Die: The 52 Most Depressing Songs You've Ever Heard."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Steve Paulson reports from Cambridge University in England on Charles Darwin's own views regarding whether his theory of evolution was compatible with religious faith.


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