
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

It’s no secret that Hollywood has a diversity problem. Take for instance the fact that women only hold about 1 in 6 leadership roles in the film industry. And despite facing greater dangers, female stuntwomen typically receive less pay than their male counterparts. In her documentary “Double Dare,” Amanda Micheli follows two high profile women stunt-doubles: Jeannie Epper and Zoe Bell. Michaeli says women stunt doubles appear all the time in movies, and not always where you’d expect.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

A great in American soul music, the Reverend Al Green has spent his life testifying on stage and in the pulpit to the power of grace, love and happiness.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Donovan Campbell was a Marine lieutenant who served three combat deployments as a company commander – two in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. He was awarded the Bronze Star with Valor for his time in Iraq.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Psychiatrist Allen Peterkin tells Steve Paulson that beards make people think of either Santa Claus or Satan, and that facial hair is making a comeback.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In the mid-1930's, Alan Turing made the revolutionary discovery that launched the digital age. He proved that information can be translated and communicated using nothing but a series of ones and zeroes. And that was just the first of Turing's intellectual achievements. Biographer Andrew Hodges explained Turing's genius to Jim Flemming in 2012.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Abram de Swaan is a Dutch sociologist who studies the politics of language.  He tells Steve Paulson that English is the worldwide language of business and diplomacy, though many wish it weren’t.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Alex Stone is a magician with a degree in physics.  He performs a magic trick over the radio and explains how it works.


To hear one of Alex Stone's favorite bar tricks, listen here.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

For 26 years, Dan Pierotti knew — really knew — that his days were numbered. In 1988 he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. In this first installment of his story, the former Lutheran minister talks about his feelings on death and the afterlife.


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