
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Wasn't the digital economy supposed to help all of us gain access to meaningful work?  Computers would do the boring jobs while people did the stuff that matters. Instead, we've got workers replaced by robots and taxi drivers losing out to Uber. What went wrong? Media theorist Douglas Rushkoff has a word for it: growth.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

George Sarrinikolaou was born in Greece and now lives in New York. He can pass for a Greek, but still feels like an outsider there

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

George Vaillant is a Harvard psychiatrist on a mission to reclaim spirituality and ground it in hard science.

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Camus said there's only one truly serious philosophical question, and that's suicide.  35 years ago, that idea sparked the single most terrifying moment of Steve Paulson's life.  Steve tells the story.

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Historian Henry Fetter tells Jim Fleming the Yankees have been accused of buying their way to the top but both the team and the game are going strong.

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It has depended on thermal energy for centuries. Thanks to its hot springs, Iceland is 80 percent independent from fossil fuels.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sleep may be an utterly common activity, but neuroscientist Giulio Tononi believes it's the greatest experiment in consciousness. 

You can also listen to the EXTENDED interview, and read the extended transcript.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Hardeep Dhaliwal has an interesting take on “The Wizard of Oz.” She thinks it’s riddled with Yogic symbolism.


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