
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Greg Critser is a veteran science and medical journalist. He's the author of three critically acclaimed books, most recently, "Eternity Soup: Inside the Quest to End Aging."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Gary Wolkstein's doctor told him he had terminal cancer, but after being challenged by some of Wolkstein’s physician friends, changes his mind.

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Jeffrey Toobin talks about how he got inside the mind of Patty Hearst in order to try to figure out whether she was brainwashed by the Symbionese Liberation Army during her 1974 kidnapping or if she joined their cause of her own free will.

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Rapper Xuman is the host of Journal Rappe  – a weekly news program in Senegal that is rapped in Wolof, French, and English. Journal Rappe is not a gimmick. It’s serious, hard-hitting news – just rapped.

Charles Monroe-Kane sat down with Xuman in our studios in Madison to discuss the future of hip hop. They were joined by Toni Blackman. She’s Hip Hop Ambassador to the US State Department. Wait, raise your hand if you knew that the US State Department even had a Hip Hop Ambassador?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Guy Maddin's latest film is a "docu-fantasia" about his hometown. It's called "My Winnipeg." TTBOOK producer Doug Gordon lived for many years in Winnipeg, so he talked with Guy Maddin and prepared this report on Maddin's award-winning film.

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George Packer talks about why he thinks America has a commitment to Iraq.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In the late 80's, American jazz great Charlie Haden met a young Cuban pianist – Gonzalo Rubalcaba. They hit it off, and Haden became a kind of mentor figure to Rubalcaba… who went on to become major figure in jazz. Charlie Haden died two years ago, but shortly before that, he dug out some old recordings of two concerts he played with Rubalcaba, in Japan. The album's now been released – it's called "Tokyo Adagio." Steve Paulson's been listening to it a lot and he got in touch with Rubalcaba to talk about it.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Helen Benedict tells Anne Strainchamps the shocking truth about the heavy toll sexual harassment and abuse take on our female warriors.


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