
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In the early 20th century, as visual artists started experimenting with abstraction and surrealism, musicians were experimenting too. But why, nearly 100 years later, are the works of Modern visual artists more popular than Avant Garde music? 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Gerald Clarke tells Steve Paulson that Judy’s mother introduced her to drugs; that she was exploited by the studio system; and that she had an amazing ability to pull herself together.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

George Cotkin, author of “Existential America,” says that angst is familiar emotional territory for Americans and explains why Existentialism appealed to people here.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What's it like to grow up with a mom who's a Freudian therapist?  Commentator Erin Clune has a few personal observations.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Henry Raddick is an enthusiastic contributor of reviews to the website.  He tells Steve Paulson that he reads all the books he reviews, and only says good things about them.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Chinese actress Gong Li takes us for a walk through Beijing.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

To mark the opening of the movie version of “The Sorcerer’s Stone,” an exploration of the phenomenal popularity of the Harry Potter books.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Why do so many people think they hate math?  Mathematician Jordan Ellenberg says deep down inside, we all think mathematically.  We just don't know it.


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