
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

For most of us, pain is a sign of physical injury. Generally the pain fades as the injury heals. But for people with Behcet's Syndrom pain is a constant companion.

Jimmy Palmieri tells Anne Strainchamps about his practice of praying the pain away.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Paula Apsell, Senior Executive Producer of the PBS series, Nova, talks with Steve Paulson about story choice and how to interview scientists.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Rob Walker talks with Steve Paulson about the Subservient-Chicken-dot-com web site and why it’s a new kind of advertising.

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Breaking the law by singing "Happy Birthday"? That's absurd.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Have you been to the High Line yet? It’s a new park in Manhattan, full of sunbathers, lush plantings and strolling locals. It’s also about 30 feet above the ground, built on the bed of an old elevated train line. Writer Annik La Farge talks about the park, five years into its reinvention.


To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Lorne Ladner tells Jim Fleming that accepting the inevitability of one’s own death leads a person to truly appreciate living while you can.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Columnist Maureen Dowd says that a lot of people still don’t understand that a columnist is supposed to have a point of view.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Maggie Nelson recommends "Close to the Knives" by David Wojnarowicz.


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