
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Afghan-American author Nadia Hashimi talks about her book, “The Pearl That Broke Its Shell,” as well as the Afghan custom of Bacha Posh – in which a girl is allowed to dress as a boy.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mark Dunn's book, “Ella Minnow Pea,” explores what happens when individual letters begin to be expunged from the language. It’s a technical tour de force since the author labors under the same restrictions as his characters.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jean Auel is the author of the phenomenally successful “Earth’s Children” series of books.  Auel tells Anne Strainchamps about the extensive hands on research that informs her work.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Peter Doyle is the author of "Echo and Reverb: Fabricating Space in Popular Music Recording, 1900-1960."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jonathan Haidt talks with Jim Fleming about an often-overlooked emotion - elevation.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard trained brain scientist who suffered a devastating stroke and describes the event and her long struggle to recover in her book, "My Stroke of Insight."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

For TTBOOK host Anne Strainchamps her only encounters with guns happened in the pages of crime fiction -- usually, stories featuring women. Give her a woman and a gun and she was there for 200 plus pages.   Kinsey Milhone, VI Warshawski, Miss Marple, Nancy Drew…She could name dozens of fictional female crime fighters -- but not one real-life woman detective.  

That was until she picked up historian Erika Janik’s latest, “Pistols and Petticoats.”   It’s the story of how women moved from crime solving in fiction to the real world.   

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Julia Alvarez tells Anne Strainchamps that she raises coffee on a small farm in the Dominican Republic and explains how it influences her writing.


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