Politics and History

Angry person

Psychologist Lisa Feldman Barrett runs a lab where she studies emotions and says that if you pay attention, everyday anger can be a source of wisdom.More

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Writer Pankaj Mishra traces the roots of contemporary political rage back to a surprising source: the 18th century Enlightenment.  More

Boy screaming

Could we, as a nation, be addicted to anger? That’s what science fiction writer and astrophysicist David Brin thinks. In fact, he wrote an open letter to addiction researchers and psychologists, asking them to investigate America’s epidemic of self-righteous indignation.More

Women online, under attack

Facing the costs to being a victim of online harassment, where’s the law when you need it?More

Duca V Carlson

A Teen Vogue editor finds herself arguing with Tucker Carlson. And then it gets worse.More


Psychologist Clark McCauley has studied terrorist groups and lone actor extremists for years. He says in many cases, it's not ideology that inspires terrorists — it's social bonds.More

Black hole

Psychedelic drugs show remarkable promise for treating addiction and end-of-life anxiety.More

Esteban Touma

Comedian Esteban Touma reflects on love and marriage, and reveals how squirrels explain the mysteries of evolution.More

the constitution

Author Laurie Halse Anderson discusses slavery, the Revolutionary War and the long history of discrepancy between America’s democratic ideals and its practices.More
