
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

For nearly a decade, political scientist Kathy Cramer has been travelling throughout rural Wisconsin, talking with groups of people at small cafes, gas stations, and other popular local gathering spots. Through her conversations with ordinary Wisconsinites, she's discovered a growing resentment between the state's rural and academic communities. She tells Steve Paulson that the dream of the Wisconsin Idea isn't connecting with many of the state's rural residents.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Alan Turing wasn't just a brain.   He was also an accomplished athlete -- a runner, who nearly made it to the Olympics.   British writer Alan Garner knew Alan Turing as his friend and running partner.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Anne Strainchamps talked with Anne Heller about her subject, Ayn Rand, the power of capitalism, and her appeal for young people.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sheherezade –  the world’s first feminist. Lebanese writer Hanan Al-Shaykh has re-told some of her stories in a new collection.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Do banks really have to rule the world?  Not if we use alternative currencies.  Bernard Lietaer and Jacqui Dunne say thousands of these different exchange systems already exist to meet people's real needs.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Find out what brain imaging technology can tell us about the experiences of Franciscan nuns and Pentecostalists at prayer.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Did we get Freud all wrong?  Psychoanalyst Adam Phillips says, "Yes." In this NEW and UNCUT interview, he tells Steve Paulson that we should read Freud as a great literary writer – on par with Kafka and Dostoevsky - not as a scientist of the mind. Phillips says we’ve barely begun to appreciate Freud’s radical insights.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jonathan Lethem talks about his new novel, "Dissident Gardens."

You can also hear their EXTENDED conversation.


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