
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Nature writer Robert Finch gives Steve Paulson an insider's view of the ecosystem of the Cape Cod town of Wellfleet.  They walk along the outskirts of Wellfleet, and visit shellfish growers Pat and Barbara Woodbury, who are raking for clams. 

You can see photos from Cape Cod here.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The scientific genius Kurt Godel is on our minds this week.  So Anne Strainchamps talks with the French writer, Yannick Grannec, about her novel, "The Goddess of Small Things," which is based on Godel's relationship with his wife, Adele.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Martin Gilbert is Winston's Churchill's biographer, and explains what made Churchill such a great leader during WWII.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In this UNCUT interview, actor, playwrite and author, Najla Said talks with Anne about growing up Palestinian-American and her new book "Looking for Palestine."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Laurell Hamilton has written a series of novels featuring a character called Anita Blake.  Anita is a vampire executioner whose day job is raising the dead.  Hamilton talks about Anita’s world

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Meir Shalev tells Jim Fleming that he thinks the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian problem reached at the conclusion of that war was a just one and that the parties should return to the 1948 agreement.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Historian Michael Oren talks with Steve Paulson about how the Barbary Pirates brought the Marines to the shores of Tripoli and why they went into the Middle East six times during the 19th century.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Nicholas Gage tells Jim Fleming about the long love affair between Maria Callas and Aristotle Onassis.


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