
The Strange Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst

Poet Billy Collins bookmarks "The Strange Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Nicola Griffith set her award-winning historical novel, "Hild," in seventh-century Britain. It's based on the real life of the fierce young girl who eventually became one of the most powerful women of her day -- St. Hilda of Whitby.

"Objects and Empathy" by Arthur Saltzman.

Novelist Richard Powers bookmarks "Objects and Empathy" by Arthur Saltzman.

wedding ring in the dark.

Lorrie Moore — one of the best short story writers in the world — is a master of bringing a character to life in just a few words. She spoke to Steve about bringing characters to life in her collection called “Bark.”  

Season of Migration to the North

Hanan Al-Shaykh bookmarks "Season of Migration to the North" by Tayeb Salih.

Dazzle of the Day

Karen Joy Fowler bookmarks "Dazzle of Day" by Molly Gloss.

"The Elephant's Journey" by Julie Schumacher

"Dear Committee Members" author Julie Schumacher recommends Portuguese Nobel Laureate José Saramago's retelling of a true tale.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

How relevant are 1001 Nights today? Well, they’re still a powerful influence for some very famous writers. Here' Turkish author, Orhan Pamuk.


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