Dr. Lou Lukas is a palliative medicine physician in Omaha, Nebraska, where she lives with her mom, three playful Shi Tzus, and surrounded by friends and family. She is an associate professor of Palliative Medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine. Born and raised in Omaha, she started off her career as a retail buyer before switching gears when her mother was diagnosed with cancer. After returning to Omaha to attend medical school at UNMC, she became a family physician at the Lehigh Valley Health Network’s Family Medicine residency and gained research and policy training through the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program at the University of Michigan. She’s spent most of her medical career being an edge-walker, spanning boundaries between the science, the psychological and the sacred aspects of serious illness. The renaissance of psychedelic therapy has offered a path to deepen the connections between those realms, and she’s extended her training though the Synthesis Institute’s Psychedelic Practitioner Training Program. She’s currently launching a clinical practice called “Palliadelic Health,” to provide care to the patients, their families, and the healthcare providers who struggle with the distress related to serious illness.