
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Devo co-founder Gerald Casale talks about the return of Devo.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

A few years ago, Wisconsin Public Radio producer Cynthia Woodland sat down with Anthony Cooper and his sons -- 13-year-told Akheem and 14-year-old Anthony Jr. -- to talk about the challenges of being a black teen in America.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Henry Jenkins tells Jim Fleming that "The Matrix" is a good example of what we can expect from a convergence culture – a story that is told in more than one medium.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Literary critic Geoff Dyer goes to Algeria on a Camus pilgrimage, looking for traces of the great writer and some insight into his own life.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Golan Levin tells Jim Fleming that one cell phone going off at a concert is an annoyance, but 200 of them can become part of a sophisticated musical composition.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Greil Marcus explains why Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone" was an anthem for the sixties and a critical turning point for Dylan as an artist.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Gene Santoro tells Anne Strainchamps that Louis Armstrong is one of the most influential musical figures of all time and that you can hear echoes of his style in everything from country to hip hop.  And we hear samples to prove it.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sleep may be an utterly common activity. In this EXTENDED interview, neuroscientist Giulio Tononi believes it's the greatest experiment in consciousness. 


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