Episode Archives

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Soldiers on in the battlefield prior to the World War I Christmas Truce

On Christmas Eve of 1914, German soldiers in the Flanders trenches lit candles on small Christmas trees.  British, French, Belgian and German troops serenaded each other with songs.  Soon enemy soldiers broke bread with each other and exchanged letters.  In this hour of To the...Read more

Original Air Date:

December 16, 2001


Have you ever had one of those moments when you know you really should think about a different line of work?  For Daniel Pink, it was a scorching hot June day in Washington, D.C. when he almost threw up on Al Gore.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, Daniel Pink’s career as...Read more

Original Air Date:

September 02, 2001


Fifty Years ago James Watson and Francis Crick made history when they cracked the code for DNA. Watson was only 24 years old, and by no means the smartest scientist around. So why do some scientists make great discoveries? In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, James Watson talks about...Read more

up cycled jarrito flower pots

Recycling breaks materials down and uses them again -upcycling is using old stuff to build new things, from cigar box guitars to juice pouch messenger bags. In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, we explore the new world of upcycling, from the scavenger life of a do-it-yourselfer to the...Read more


There are people in the world who love books – and there are people who would kill for books.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, the pleasures and perils of book collecting.  We’ll go on the road with veteran book buyers Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone.  And, we’ll meet...Read more


When you think of great movie musicals, what comes to mind?  “Singing in the Rain” with Gene Kelly swinging from a streetlight in the middle of a torrential downpour.  How about “A Hard Day’s Night” - with images of hysterical fans mobbing the Beatles at a train station.  According to Roger...Read more


What’s your billion dollar idea? You know, the one that’s going to change the world?  America’s the land of invention, right? And it’s that can-do spirit that makes this country great. But America’s no longer the global innovation giant it once was.

Where have you gone, Thomas Edison?Read more


How do you win friends and influence people if you're an immigrant from Leningrad who's bullied at school?   You write your way to friendship.  That's what Gary Shteyngart did. We meet him in this hour as we explore creative writing.  Also, the connection between alcohol and creativity.  And how...Read more


Lynne Truss created a sensation in Britain with a book whose title is a punch line: it’s a punctuation joke that says a panda is a black and white mammal and it “Eats, Shoots and Leaves.”  Rules for punctuation and a good life, in this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge.Read more


When Rae Armantrout recently won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry the first thing she said was curious. Read them out loud, she said.

In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, poetry out loud. Rae Armantrout reads her poems, Natalie Merchant sings our favorite classic poems, and Bobby...Read more


Lace up the hiking boots and grab the bug spray!   Spring is here and we're heading Into The Woods.  Learn how to read a forest.   Unlock the meanings hidden in leaf and bole, twig and soil.  And celebrate the woods in fairytale, myth, story and song.Read more


James Tiptree Jr. wrote some of the most critically-acclaimed science fiction stories in the 1960's and 1970's....classics like "Houston, Houston, Do You Read?" and "The Women Men Don't See." But James Tiptree was actually the pseudonym of a 61-year-old woman, Alice B. Sheldon. In this hour of...Read more


Remember those great cars from the Fifties?  The Redscare Phantom Witchhunter and the Bongo Beatnik Ferlinghetti TurboHipster?  If you don’t recall them rolling off Detroit’s assembly lines, there’s a perfectly good reason.  They never existed, except in the imagination of writer and illustrator...Read more


As a boy in northwest Ohio during the 1930's, Donald Richie spent a lot of time watching movies about exciting new worlds.  So it seems only fitting that Donald Richie went on to live in a different world.  For the past 50 years he’s lived in Japan, and has established a reputation as one the of...Read more

sunset on the gulf

There's a word for the grief and anger people feel when their environment is ravaged -- solastalgia. It's what Gulf Coast residents may be feeling right now, as they watch oil wash up onto their beaches.

In this hour, the psychology of our attachment to the places we love. Why...Read more


Do you get eight hours of sleep a night?  If not, join the millions of sleep-deprived Americans stumbling through life half-awake.  Scientists say our national sleep debt may be behind the epidemics of diabetes and obesity – maybe even cancer.  In this hour of To the Best of Our...Read more


Tenzin Palmo isn’t your ordinary Englishwoman.  For twelve years she boiled snow for drinking water, lived without heat and electricity, and spent 12 hours a day propped up in a wooden box.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, a Buddhist nun recalls her years of meditation in a lonely...Read more


Say you’re in Vegas playing high-stakes poker.  You haven’t slept in days.  To make matters worse, you’re being stared down by two of the best poker players in the world.  And...you’re bluffing.  So, you bet it all to bring the pot to well over a million dollars.  In this hour of To the Best of...Read more


We’re exploring love by the  numbers, this week.  36 questions, 40 first dates, and 43 equations – it’s all part of the new mathematical science of love.Read more


Are we running out of water? Science writer Fred Pearce thinks so. He's traveled the world to investigate the current state of crucial water sources. In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge Pearce talks about the defining crisis of the twenty-first century. Also, we'll explore the social...Read more


What would the Old Masters make of the exhibitions that get some elected officials so worked up?  They might have liked them!  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge, new art and old masters.  Simon Schama paints Rembrandt as a prankster.  We’ll uncover the political...Read more


Boots on the Ground: Stories from the War in Iraq

Part One


Iraq. April 6, 2004. This day marked the Marines' heaviest fighting since Vietnam and was the start of the Iraqi insurgency. By the end of the day more than 40 Marines and...Read more


East Meets West

Part Four


Imagine growing up in Pakistan. Islam is a way of life. You get up every morning at 4:30 to pray. Then when you're 18, you move to the American Midwest, Iowa, to attend college. That's the story Kumail...Read more


It's a post-apocalyptic novel that's been compared to Stephen King's "The Stand" and Cormac McCarthy's "The Road." It covers a vast time span and features a different kind of vampire, known as "virals." It's called "The Passage" and it's one of this summer's hottest books. We'll meet the author...Read more
