Current Events

woman raises fist

9/11 changed the American psyche. According to some reports, Americans wanted to eat comfort food, like macaroni and cheese, get married and have babies. They wanted leaders - male leaders - who were strong, who could rescue the female victims, like Jessica Lynch. Or did they? In this hour of To...

Stanley Crouch

Cultural critic Stanley Crouch tells Steve Paulson that Americans have some pretty messed up ideas about what it means to be authentic.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In the 1950's many companies collaborated with their customers to create their advertising.    Terry Ryan’s mother Evelyn entered hundreds of these contests writing jingles and adding the last line to odes in praise of all kinds of products. In this hour of To the Best of Our...

blurred man

College campuses have long been hotbeds of political activity, fervent debate and occasionally violence stemming from a war of words, but today, in this era of call outs and cancel culture, there is a renewed and controversial argument over free speech playing out at universities and colleges around the country.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

It seems everyone has something to say about motherhood.  A lot of people have advice.  Others just have... issues.   In this hour of To The Best of Our Knowledge -- the tricky topic of motherhood.   Linda Gray Sexton remembers her mother, the troubled poet Anne...

News From Poems

For National Poetry Month, To The Best Of Our Knowledge celebrated poetry with original work by five leading American poets, written in response to current events.


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