Beyond Death

Photo illustration by Angelo Bautista. Original images by Sasha Freemind and WrongTog (CC0)

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Original Air Date: 
September 21, 2024

Most of us have no idea what will happen when we die. But some do—people who actually started the process of dying and then came back with remarkable stories—like meeting dead relatives. Science is not only extending the lives of patients who’ve been declared clinically dead; it’s also beginning to tell us what happens in near-death experiences.


Journalist Sebastian Junger had nearly died when reporting from war zones around the world, but nothing prepared him for the ruptured aneurysm that almost killed him. He's now trying to explain a mysterious encounter he had with his dead father.

Steve Paulson conducting an onstage interview with Dr. Sam Parnia.

Scientists are revolutionizing our understanding of life and death. It’s now possible to revive patients hours after they’ve been declared clinically dead. Dr. Sam Parnia talks about these advances and the new science of near-death experiences. 


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September 18, 2024
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Last modified: 
September 20, 2024