Photo by Bryce Richter (UW-Madison)
Francis Halzen is the principal investigator of IceCube, Hilldale and Gregory Breit Professor at UW–Madison, and a theoretician studying problems that span the particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology communities. In 1987, Halzen started working on the AMANDA experiment, a first-generation neutrino telescope at the South Pole that represented a proof of concept for the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. Halzen also serves on advisory committees for the SNO, Telescope Array, and the Auger upgrade experiments, the Max Planck Institutes in Heidelberg and Munich, the ICRR of the University of Tokyo, the US Particle Physics Prioritization Panel, and the ApPEC particle astrophysics advisory panel in Europe. Currently he is teaching Introduction to Particle Physics and accepting inquiries for gradate and undergraduate research positions.