Prof. Shlomo Maital is the Academic Director of TIM-Technion Institute of Management, Israel's leading executive leadership development institute and a pioneer in action-learning methods. He was summer Visiting Professor for 20 years in MIT Sloan School of Management's Management of Technology M.Sc. program, teaching over 1,000 R&D engineers from 40 countries. He is the author co-author or editor of 8 books, including Innovation Management (Sage, 2007); Executive Economics (The Free Press), translated into seven languages, and Managing New Product Development & Innovation. He is co-editor of a new journal, International Journal of Technology &Innovation Management Education. He was co-founder of SABE-Societyfor Advancement of Behavioral Economics. He has published over 80 scholarly articles in refereed journals. He has written guest editorials for Barron's, and writes regular columns for The Marker (Haaretz business daily) and Jerusalem Report (fortnightly). He served as Director of the National & Economic Planning Authority, Economics Ministry, Government of Israel. He has taught managers from 200 Israeli companies. His research currently focuses on profit-driven innovation -- how to combine creativity and discipline to achieve marketplace success.
SOURCE: https://www.coursera.org