The Malleable Mind

the edge of a psychedelic trip
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Original Air Date: 
August 05, 2007

Daniel Pinchbeck may be the next Timothy Leary, the new guru of psychedelic drugs. Pinchbeck has spent time with the shamans in West Africa and the Amazon rain forest, experimenting with the world's most powerful hallucinogens. He says these psychedelic experiences launched him into new realms of consciousness. In this hour of To The Best Of Our Knowledge we'll talk with Daniel Pinchbeck and hear the latest science on brain plasticity. Who says you can't teach an old brain new tricks?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Norman Doidge is a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, researcher at the University of Toronto, and author of "The Brain that Changes Itself." 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Daniel Pinchbeck is the heir to Timothy Leary: he explores and advocates the use of psychedelic drugs.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Katherine Ellison says that pregnancy and motherhood change women's brains for the better, making them smarter, calmer and more competent.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Marvin Minsky tells Steve Paulson he believes machine intelligence is very like human intelligence and that one day people may choose to back themselves up into computers.

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August 31, 2008
Last modified: 
March 31, 2023