Rebecca Dopart served as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer in Błażowa, Poland from 1997 – 1999, where she taught English at the local high school and organized an honors music camp for youth during the summers. She met her husband Janusz, a Błażowa native, while living in the tiny village of just 2,000 people. The two were married in July of 1999 in Poland. Three weeks after their wedding, Janusz’s father, Zbigniew Dopart, who had been paralyzed for several years following a brain aneurism, passed away from pneumonia.
Rebecca and Janusz have lived in the United States for 15 years and they speak Polish together. They have two children: Lukas, 11, and Nadia, 9. They currently reside in Oregon, WI. Janusz works for an electrical security company and Rebecca works in the Development department at Wisconsin Public Radio. They travel back to Poland frequently.