
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

British novelist Will Self has written some very strange books.  His latest is called “How the Dead Live.” 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Yale Strom talks with Steve Paulson about the klezmer revival, particularly in Poland, and what it means when this culture is re-created by non-Jews.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Stephen Greenblatt tells the remarkable story of how the discovery of an ancient poem helped launch the Scientific Revolution.  Also, an excerpt from Lucretius' poem "On the Nature of Things."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What compels someone to commit acts of terror? Anthropologist Scott Atran has spent a decade talking with jailed suicide bombers and jihadist leaders. He says they're motivated by core human values: brotherhood, loyalty and the dream of a better world.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What would you do to make sure someone you love gets a quality education? Students become walking brands in this story by Kelsi Evans.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The idea of a universal basic income is getting serious consideration these days from governments -- in Switzerland, Finland, even Kenya. Could it get traction in the U.S.? Absolutely, says journalist Rutger Bregman.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Biologist Steven Austad is so confident human beings will soon live to be 150 years old that he’s bet on it with a colleague: Jay Olshansky, who says we’re already living way past our expiration date!

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Thomas Seeley is a professor of neurobiology and behavior at Cornell University. He talks about the social organization of a bee colony with Steve Paulson.


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