What if we embrace our dreams — and our night selves — as a way to understand ourselves better, to connect to each other, even to lead a better life?Read more
What if we embrace our dreams — and our night selves — as a way to understand ourselves better, to connect to each other, even to lead a better life?Read more
February 24, 2024
In the world of internet influencers and YouTube stars, it’s not enough to be ordinary anymore. You need to be special. But where did this craze for personal branding come from? Why are we so obsessed with ourselves?Read more
February 03, 2024
British historian Mike Jay wants to challenge the narrative of psychedelic “exceptionalism.” He also believes more scientists should talk about their personal psychedelic experiences. Read more
January 27, 2024
For generations, through wars, crisis, and political upheaval, documentary poets have helped make sense of some of our most difficult moments – by expressing what might otherwise be impossible to say. So what are they writing about today?Read more
January 13, 2024
There's a fascinating question at the heart of psychedelic science. Is it the mind-blowing experience that fundamentally changes a person’s outlook on life? Or is it the powerful molecules that rewire the brain?Read more
December 16, 2023
Maps reflect the time they were drawn for. How will the next generation of cartographers deal with challenges like a world being reshaped by climate change? Read more
December 09, 2023
Over the course of 20 years, Chris Bache had 73 high-dose LSD experiences — doses so high that the human body couldn’t tolerate anything more. Read more
November 18, 2023
What is this thing, that’s all around us, invisible, inescapable, always running out? What is time?Read more
November 18, 2023
We celebrate weird fiction in all its forms, from haunted video tapes on YouTube to the original eldritch being himself, H.P. Lovecraft. Read more
October 28, 2023
The knowledge about many psychedelics comes from Indigenous cultures — which raises ethical questions for the Western scientists studying them. Can psychedelics be decolonized?Read more
October 21, 2023
When you look at your body in the mirror, do you love what you see? Do you pick out the things you don’t like? Maybe you’ve heard of body positivity. But what if we just felt neutral about our bodies?Read more
September 30, 2023
Before family photos, or school pictures or Instagram, there were hand-drawn and painted portraits. We consider how we see ourselves — and others — through these deeply personal images.Read more
September 23, 2023
Are you ready to think in centuries instead of seconds? Eons instead of hours? It’s time to throw away your watch and make thousand-year plans. And appreciate how Earth keeps time. Read more
August 19, 2023
Gul Dolen is a pioneering neuroscientist who's investigating the “critical periods” of psychedelics, including studies where she's given MDMA — also known as “Molly” — to octopuses. Read more
August 12, 2023
We all feel better after a good cry. In fact, humans are the only animals who cry emotional tears. But what about people who don't cry? And have you ever wondered why a sad song or movie makes you cry?Read more
August 05, 2023
Can neuroscience explain what happens to the brain on psychedelics? And even if we map the brain while it’s tripping, does that tell us why these experiences can be so transformative? Read more
July 15, 2023
The rock icon explains why she’s fascinated by psychedelics as a promising treatment for addiction, a path for spiritual exploration, and a source of creativity.Read more
July 08, 2023
For a lot of Americans, summer means that it's time to hit the open road. We take road trips and endless highways for granted, but there are other countries where people can pay a heavy price just for getting behind a wheel.Read more
July 01, 2023
For many birdwatchers, identifying bird calls, tracking rare breeds through marshes and waters, and watching our feathered friends is more than just a pastime — it's a calling.Read more
June 17, 2023
When you’re on the clock, you’re always running out of time. The relentless countdown is making us and the planet sick. But clock time isn’t the only kind. There are older, deeper rhythms of natural time. We just forgot how to listen.Read more
June 03, 2023
In this episode of "Luminous," we go inside Usona Institute’s chemistry lab and go deep with co-founder Bill Linton about what brought him to this unique moment in the psychedelic revolution. Read more
May 17, 2023
We celebrate Mother's Day with a collection of stories from our archives, by and about moms. Stories about care and about courage — about the work of mothering.Read more
May 13, 2023
In some of our favorite science interviews — discover the joy of studying fossils, the invention of a paper microscope, and the astrophysics of making a hard-boiled egg.Read more
April 22, 2023
In the first episode in our series about psychedelics, how can psilocybin ease our fears about dying and help us make peace with the end of our lives?Read more
April 08, 2023