

How does the world look to a scientist? We asked astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson….and he gave us some cooking tips.

Hope Jahren

Nothing makes Hope Jahren happier than tinkering in her lab, studying fossilized plants. 

Freeman Dyson

Physicist Freeman Dyson reflects on what he learned from Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr and Richard Feynman.


Do scientists see the world in a different way? Not really. Just be curious.

vinyl player

Novelist Hari Kunzru talks about listening through the scratch and hiss of old 78’s for the voice of the past.

magic in the internet

Despite pining for landline telephones, writer Virginia Heffernan sees magic in the potential of the internet.


Writer and producer Damon Krukowski explains why we must take care in eschewing analog imperfection in pursuit of more perfect digital sound.

Angry person

Psychologist Lisa Feldman Barrett runs a lab where she studies emotions and says that if you pay attention, everyday anger can be a source of wisdom.


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