Religion and Philosophy

Getting a good night's sleep is hard for a lot of people, but imagine trying to drift off when you have terrifying hallucinations.More

"Religion always starts with mysticism," says David Steindl-Rast. Now 89, he's been a Benedictine monk since 1953. More

When evangelical Christians say they talk to God, what do they mean? Anthropologist Tanya Luhrmann wanted to find out.More

"To The Best Of Our Knowledge" producer and interviewer Charles Monroe-Kane started hearing voices when he was a child. He became a child preacher once he thought God was talking to him. More

paint on canvas

Philosopher Alva Noe has a theory about art. He says art is like philosophy, and the best art is disorienting and uncomfortable. It...More

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Center, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Religious scholar Michael Muhammad Knight thinks that most religions, including his own Islamic faith, have a secret history of magical practice.More

Shulem Deen

Shulem Deen was a Skverer— a member of one of the most insular Hasidic sects in the U.S.  Then he got curious about secular life and the world outside his small village in Rockland County, NY.  The community branded him a heretic and expelled him.More

Cross in the sky

Writer Rod Dreher on how his faith compelled him to return home in search of forgiveness.More

Street arrow

Psychologist Robert Enright breaks down cognitive steps to letting go of trauma.More

Torah and jad - exhibits in Big Synagogue Museum, Wlodawa - Poland. (CC BY 2.5)

The story of one famous mathematician’s obsession with the ancient and mystical and numerical world of the Kabbalah, from Shlomo Maital of the podcast "Israel Story."More

Blurred, glitchy, technicolor photo of Philip K. Dick's head

During the last two years of his life, Philip K. Dick tried to make sense of a series of strange visionary experiences. Jonathan Lethem explains how these events changed Dick's life.More

hall of mirrors

The central question of Philip K. Dick's fiction is "What is reality?" Literary critic Umberto Rossi explains that Dick's work often contains many possible realities.More


If people were more empathetic, the world would be a better place, don’t you think? Paul Bloom thinks perhaps not.More


Martha Nussbaum may be one of the most well-respected living philosophers in the world today.  She tells Steve Paulson that retribution and payback aren't compatible with true justice.More

Philosopher Jason Brennan offers a provocative idea: let's bring back flogging as an alternative to imprisonment.More

Woman staring into the distance

Thordis Elva reached out to the man who raped her, ultimately setting her on a journey towards forgiveness.More

woman holding a flower

TTBOOK summer intern Caryn McKechnie spoke to a few people about how they felt the last time they forgave someone.More


It means “a couldn’t-care-less attitude,” and it’s a personal mantra for comedian Norm MacDonald.More
